One aspect of corporate branding that NPA has focused on in recent months is how we represent our organisation to potential recruits. As has been well documented in the last two years, successfully identifying and bringing new talent into any organisation in Australia has been challenging and NPA is no exception.
Last year, Human Resources identified this challenge and sought the support of the ELT to develop a set of communication materials that spoke directly to recruits. The result is the production of a video that highlights the benefits of working at NPA and presents what can be referred to as an Employee Value Proposition (EVP).
To support the EVP, a tagline used only in recruitment advertising was also developed: ‘Secure your future’. An animated version of this logo, as well as static versions for use in recruitment advertising or on the Careers page of the NPA website has also been developed.
"What has been created as a result of this exercise is a brand hierarchy, with the NPA corporate logo at the top, the Spirit of High Security logo used as a corporate tagline, and under that, 'Secure your future' which is used only in recruitment marketing,” says Steve Casey, our Head of Marketing and Communications. “Interestingly, the RBA developed a similar approach. Their recruitment tagline is 'Be More'.”
In regard to the animation effects, the three logos are linked by the use of a dynamic printing effect that is applied to relevant words in the three logos.
"This has been applied to show the viewer that all three logos are related, with the hierarchy intuitively understood based on how they‘re presented in the videos or in recruitment advertising," says Steve.
The new video has been posted on the Careers page on NPA’s website, together with the ‘Feelin’ so Good’ video that featured at the last Gala Dinner, and NPA’s 110 Year History which was presented by our CEO Malcolm McDowell at last year’s birthday celebration.