While NPA CEO Malcolm McDowell was visiting the RBA in Sydney in July, he was able to present Governor Michele Bullock with a framed gift recognising her achievement as the first woman to serve as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia.  She is the ninth Governor of the RBA, which was established in 1960 under the first Governor Herbert ‘Nugget’ Coombs.

The plaque is dated 18 September 2023 recognising her first day in the role of Governor.

Shortly afterward, Governor Bullock sent out an RBA all-staff email, which she sends out on a weekly basis, that made the following comment:

"Today Malcolm McDowell, CEO of NPA, presented me with a framed $50 banknote recognising me as the first female Governor of the Reserve Bank. It was a very touching gift from the NPA Staff."

The recognition award was the idea of our RBA Account Manager, Pilar Ruperti, who impressively also received a personal note of thanks from the Governor for the gift on the day of the presentation.

Humble – Governor Bullock was delighted and genuinely touched to receive the framed recognition award from Malcolm on behalf of all NPA staff.  From 2010-16, Michele was the Assistant Governor responsible for Currency and also served as NPA Chair.